Sunday, April 18, 2010

Last Nights Dream and Funny Joke From this Sunday's Sermon

Just wanted to share a few thoughts unrelated to anything we talked about your night time and your morning time.    I guess I didn't get to share these thoughts because they were kind of random and had no reason to come up.  Last night, or probably to be more accurate this morning, I had a rather vivid dream.  I remember parts of the plot and parts of the locations, but not the people.  I think the cast of my dream was an ensemble of unsuspecting classmates from high school.  It was dark for the most part, I don't think we saw any daylight.  The locales seemed like the countryside of Hong Kong.  For most of the time I was preparing for this huge diving expedition.  I don't think I've told you but when I was younger I thought that the deep sea would be scary.  This might have been because of one of the adventure series of books that I liked to read, or the scary creatures that lived in the dark, or the immense pressure that was in the deep sea.  It was strange that I would dream about deep sea diving since this would be one of my biggest fears, instead I treated the trip as a fun and liberating one. For some reason the deep sea was bright and clear and I could sea everything.  I could breathe without a water supply, and so could my two companions.  We dived near Hong Kong I guess, although we did take a boat ride that took us further off the shores.  We were on some kind of mission, although from this point on it is a little hazy.  By the time I woke up it was 11.  I think I found it especially hard to wake up since the dream seemed so real so I slept in till 12.  I think that was easily one of the strangest, most enjoyable and most vivid dreams I've had in a long time.

At church the pastor was commenting on how words are often complicated and easy to misunderstand, and how that affected the word 'deliverance' in Philippians 1:19, since the translation from Greek could be better interpreted as 'salvation' (can discuss more later if you want :)   ).  So he made a joke about how it is often easy to be misunderstood when speaking other languages and he made an anecdote about two separate events of miscommunication when he was a missionary in China.  One time he was on a tour at the forbidden city and the tour guide made a mistake by describing a location where the emperor liked to come with cucumbers, she meant to say concubines.  On another occasion he introduced his wife as his 茄子 instead of his 妻子.  I think it's funny because I heard someone comment that pastors are often afraid that people will remember their jokes during their sermons, but not the message.  I'm thankful that I remember some of his message too!  I've been thinking about setting up a system where I write my notes on the service bulletin and then coming home to transcribe it onto a master set of notes on my computer...

To round off my thoughts I'd like to share that my butt muscle aches from squash.  Why, why do I always forget the butt muscle?  Next time I'll need to remind myself to stretch it well first.  Actually, a lot of my other muscles are aching, but not as badly because I stretched them.


Tev said...

Couldn't help posting this link:
Taiwanese show about people competing for best makeover. It came up twice on my newsfeed (well, same show anyway). Thought you might be interested, one of the girl did this thing where she tucked her eyelid in's near the end.

Esther said...

hahahha the youtube video is so iono kinda demeaning. esp. the part where it's 'some girls don't put on makeup b/c say bf won't recognize them after they take it off but you have to know, if you don't then you'll even have the chance to talk to those guys" and "you're so pretty that's how you got your bf"

Still just the makeup part looks pretty cool. the double eyelid looked kinda uncomfortable o.0. I'm thinking of trying out fake lashes :)

I'm afraid of the idea of deep sea too because of the idea and because in the middle of the ocean, it feels so vast and deep. The first thing I thought of from your dream goes something along the lines of before you'd feel afraid of the vastness of the sea but in the dream you felt light and the fear went over kinda like God frees you from the fear of life and makes it light and liberating. hehe iono maybe i'm over analyzing but that was my first thought.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on making idols of relationships. I agree also that putting God first would be the best thing for us individually to do and as a couple. It places everything in God's care instead of placing it on each other which can often lead to disappointment. i'm really glad you voiced this out in our relationship

I'll see you in the monring. I caught up on good sleep :)

Tev said...

I guess the point of the video was that it was a little scary haha. Fake lashes can look kinda scary too if done wrong, I wonder how they would look on you though...

I like your interpretation of my dream, although I feel like during my dream I was kind of sneaking around, kind of like a spy mission. Not sure how God fits into that picture haha, but yes it was liberating to feel free of fear in a situation that I would have otherwise felt scared in (dreamwise, I don't know how I would cope with deep sea depths in the real world!).

Tev said...

XKCD comic about dreams. Last thing before I sleep, reminds me of when I try to retell my dreams.