Saturday, May 15, 2010

Distractions from project...

Was looking through my usual distractions, blogs I read (gizmodo etc.), this provided me with my longest distraction from my projects from school.  I find this guy hilarious/creative.  I like the way he edits his videos in the regular talking part at the end of each video.  I find it funny how his eyebrows are usually hidden by his glasses...then sometimes they pop-out...


Also this illusion blew me away:

I think it was almost as mind blowing as me pausing, fast forwarding and rewinding live TV on my computer, it made me feel like a master of time haha.  My new computer has one of those TV input options that allows the computer to record the HD TV that we have here.  Of course the fast forwarding and rewinding only work after the computer has recorded for a while, but it still gives me the illusion that I'm manipulating live material.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vlog xxx

[edit] This thing is hideous haha...I'm recording all future videos in a mirror...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Hey boo.  Just wanted to update with some photos taken on mother's day.  Took some photos with mom while my dad waiting in line at the restaurant, my treat.  They had a flower arrangement competition on display with entries from Hong Kong, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.  Did you do something special on mother's day? :)  You can see my food below, didn't get a chance to take photos of my parents dishes 'cos I was too hungry.  They bake the bread freshly at 6pm, so it was still fresh when we ate at 7.  The starter is split pea soup and my main course was the special, crab meat with squid ink spaghetti in mustard seed cream sauce.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dream log 0002

I had a weird dream about a doctors visit.  The doctor was British and had a beard and the nurse was Asian, maybe Chinese?   I forgot what I went in for but I had a massive acupuncture session on my left arm.  It was all wrong, they gave me all these needles with hooks and it was terribly painful.  The needles kept coming out too, but somehow that was part of the procedure.  The doctor was no where in sight most of the time either and the nurse seemed barely competent.  For some reason she had a lot of her cleavage showing and she had two tattoos right above wear her boobs were.  I talked to for her a bit outside the hospital (it looked like I was in a cross between Bangkok and Hong Kong) and her boss came over to ask her whether she was finding a new job or not and that she had to keep her job as a nurse since she was the only staff that lived near the hospital (this makes no sense whatsoever).  I was then involved in some sort of massive chase, my needles kept coming out of my arm.  I don't know what I was running from for sure but it was big and I had no chance of survival, I wasn't very scared for some reason though.  Then I think you called...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Nissan GTR Lesson 1

A little education on the Nissan Skyline GTR I took a blurry photo of, if you ever have 34 minutes to spare.  Or you could just watch the first few minutes.  It's actually quite entertaining, although I'm not sure I know any girls who are into the show.  However it also involves travelling across Japan without any knowledge of the Japanese lanugage, which might interest you.

A little bit of fun to be had in an unrelated episode, the beginning chunk of which compares a Ford Focus RS and a French Renault car in terms of enjoyability to drive. Haven't managed to watch the rest yet though...some burning Lambos though? haha. And a bit on the first 4 door Porsche, the Panamera vs. the British postal system in a race across Britain:

Top Gear S13E04

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dream log 0001

Had a dream last night.  There were two Matthews.  I recognized one of the Matthews as Matthew Spencer, an old classmate from high school, and the other Matthew tried in vain to introduce himself to me but I told him I couldn't recognize him.  He told me his surname but I already forget it.  It also involved a strange roadtrip or bus trip with a whole bunch of people. I think some people were British while others were American.  I remember having to mediate an argument between an American and British person over the pronounciation of some words, to break up the argument I pointed out it didn't matter how they pronounced things since I understood both of them anyway.  We had a tour around these museums and places with weird modern American artifacts, meaning that it was sometime in the future already.  The details remain sketchy from here on but I think I had fun along the way.  The thunderstorm abruptly woke me up at 4am.  The strike that woke me up was extraordinarily loud, I kept thinking I imagined it since it was so loud and that it might have been part of my dream but this though was dispelled when I was kept awake by a few more thunder strikes.  The lightning confirmed I wasn't dreaming.  I knew the strikes were close by since it was very loud and the lightning and thunder came at almost exactly the same time.  I woke up to check the time since I thought it was already around 7, but upon finding out it was only 4 I continued to sleep.  I think the dream continued till I finally woke up at 9 but the details are even sketchier.  I wish I had more dreams of you...

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Just testing my different options for blogging from my phone.  I can either use the phone's message function (for sms, mms and email) or use the gmail app that came with the phone.  I'm afraid I'll get charged if I send it from the phone's message function so I'm gonna just copy this to the gmail app... So right now I'm writing this as I go to the bus stop.  I've wanted to cut my hair for a few days, it's getting gnarly.  Took a sexy pic of myself on the bus, hope you like it.  I'm on the bus now, time to take a break from the phone :).
Writing from the phone is a strange experience, I'm out in the wild and I feel like my thoughts are more disconnected with all the distractions around me.  I want to take photos of everything interesting  but I can't do it fast enough.  I wonder if people can write books this way, get their thoughts together and send them through the phone then collect their thoughts together to make sense of it all.  I'd imagine that the generation born in the age of mobile phones and computing would probably start to get more comfortable with keyboards and touchscreens rather than pen and paper.  Apparently there has been an increase in the usage of typewritters as some writers become discontent with Microsoft Word although I do wonder whether there are other professional publishing programs that are better.  For most of the research articles I have seen thus far, most people use Microsoft Word.  I have to help Phd regularly since Word is such an abominable beast.  I think I have the beast mostly tamed and under control since Office is now an old friend of mine.
I'm on the MTR now and I added a photo of a car I like.  It's the Nissan Skyline GTR, muscled up relative of the Infiniti G35 (still called the Nissan Skyline in Japan).  It's one of the most expensive mass production cars and repair and maintenance costs are crazy.  One thing I appreciate about returning to Hong Kong is the nice cars I see, the frequency of nice cars seen here is similar to that of La Jolla.  Masarati's seem to be getting more popular here, a few years ago I'd think they would be unheard of here.
Also appreciable is Hong Kong people's taste for shoes (no offense to Americans).  Got two pics of shoes I thought were interesting.  I tried to be nonchalant when taking the pics.  The red shoes reminded me of Minnie mouse's shoes.  You can't see much detail on the other but its a nice pair of Adidas.  Usually I'd be able to make out the make of the shoe but I guess this one is rarer.

Back to the roots

This blog was originally written from my phone with photos uploaded from my phone. I soon grew tired of it though and my blog remained dormant till I started it up again for you.
With the new phone though I think blogging will be less of a hassle!
Here's a pic I wanted to use as my background, it ended up being too small cos I got it from Facebook.