Saturday, May 8, 2010

Nissan GTR Lesson 1

A little education on the Nissan Skyline GTR I took a blurry photo of, if you ever have 34 minutes to spare.  Or you could just watch the first few minutes.  It's actually quite entertaining, although I'm not sure I know any girls who are into the show.  However it also involves travelling across Japan without any knowledge of the Japanese lanugage, which might interest you.

A little bit of fun to be had in an unrelated episode, the beginning chunk of which compares a Ford Focus RS and a French Renault car in terms of enjoyability to drive. Haven't managed to watch the rest yet though...some burning Lambos though? haha. And a bit on the first 4 door Porsche, the Panamera vs. the British postal system in a race across Britain:

Top Gear S13E04

1 comment:

Tev said...

hah bet you wouldn't look here