Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dream log 0002

I had a weird dream about a doctors visit.  The doctor was British and had a beard and the nurse was Asian, maybe Chinese?   I forgot what I went in for but I had a massive acupuncture session on my left arm.  It was all wrong, they gave me all these needles with hooks and it was terribly painful.  The needles kept coming out too, but somehow that was part of the procedure.  The doctor was no where in sight most of the time either and the nurse seemed barely competent.  For some reason she had a lot of her cleavage showing and she had two tattoos right above wear her boobs were.  I talked to for her a bit outside the hospital (it looked like I was in a cross between Bangkok and Hong Kong) and her boss came over to ask her whether she was finding a new job or not and that she had to keep her job as a nurse since she was the only staff that lived near the hospital (this makes no sense whatsoever).  I was then involved in some sort of massive chase, my needles kept coming out of my arm.  I don't know what I was running from for sure but it was big and I had no chance of survival, I wasn't very scared for some reason though.  Then I think you called...

1 comment:

Esther said...

aww poor baby..sounds like a massive nightmare except you weren't scared? lol . seems like a lot of elements from your life recently. the boss and the needles and doctors..hehe not sure about the chase.

i like the ending tho :) haha my call..too bad your dream wasn't allowed to keep going ;)