Monday, March 15, 2010

I Love You

On pain of making a corny blog I titled the blog "I Love you". I don't have any food photos for you today since I didn't have anything particularly yummy. Instead I chose a few pics to post up before I slept.

Lookie, it's a heart I drew for you a while back using a red light and long exposure settings (15 seconds if I remember correct) to get the effect right. It took a few attempts but I liked how this one turned out best.

One of my favorite pics from the trip, makes me feel all warm inside.

Finally, a fun photo. You already know I like this one but I wanted to share again.

The end of this post is a little random but I was reminded by what my friend Vincent posted on Facebook, "Whatever He says to you, do it". He didn't quote where it's from, but it's from John 2:5, when Mary, mother of Jesus, tells the servants to do whatever Jesus tells them to do. This Sunday, our guest speaker for our sermon, who once taught our Pastor in seminary, argued that this is the most wise and most important advice imparted by anyone, in the whole of history and the universe. I hope that this will hold true for both you and me. If you have time you can listen to the sermon --> here.
The sermon is on March 14th and is given by Ronnie Stevens titled "The Wedding Feast at Cana". I just realized that I can now also go back and watch the sermon I missed on Valentines day, I'll watch that tomorrow morning perhaps. I love you, I hope I can get some rest tomorrow and spend some time with you.

1 comment:

Esther said...

=.= this is what i get when i post corny blogs? a reciprocal corny blog? i guess it's better than nothing. see you in the morning.