Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back to food...

Back to my regular material. Today's lunch was 米线 with 水饺 and broccoli. It's supposed to be in Yunnan style and it's been one of the regular dishes at 美心 along with 四川 style spicy noodles. I think it's one of my most veggie filled meals lately.

My dinner looks a little sparse from this angle, but you know I'm a sucker for omelet rice. The chicken steak and tomato sauce wasn't bad either.

Just a few random thoughts as well, often on the MTR I see people playing all kinds of games on their DS, PSP, iPhone or other device. Before it used to be that the DS and PSP dominated the handhelds being played but lately the iPhone/iPod touch are starting to dominate. Sometimes it can be annoying when people are so focussed on the game that they lack awareness of their surroundings, playing as they walk or blocking doorways while they play. Gadget owners in Hong Kong generally fall into two types. The cheapo who uses old Nokia phones from the early years of mobile phones and those that change there phone every few months. I forget the exact figures, but an average person in Hong Kong will change their phone probably around once a year. Today I saw a person who probably falls in the cheapo category, he was using an old Palm PDA with black and white screen to play Bejewelled. I think he was playing the demo version as well since he kept restarting the game. I guess this disparity reflects the class gap in Hong Kong well, but somehow Hong Kong seems to chug along just fine. Crime is relatively minimal and despite the stressful nature of Hong Kong I think most people are generally happy.

I hope you get all of your questions answered about TPR, hopefully I can catch you in the morning.

1 comment:

Esther said...

that looks like yummy drink :) and good veggies to keep my tevster healthy :)