Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Baby Photos Overload!

A couple of years back my parents took advantage of a new digital service for scanning films.  I've seen scanners that do the same job but I can't imagine the agonizing monotony and pain it would take to scan all of the photos and adjust their color.  All in all we scanned many old rolls of film.  I decided  to upload some photos in chronological order.  Here are some photos from when I was about 5 months old.

Me with my bunny, I'm trying to gnaw on my cot, don't know how successful it was.

When I was very young my parents lived in Government quarters at Mount Davis on the South side of the island.  In the distance you can see Queen Mary hospital, late last year I got an offer to work there at a university affiliated lab, but instead I decided to work on campus for several reasons.  We also had a direct view of the cemetary, the big beige plot of land.  A little dreary but the Government quarters were cheap, from there my parents saved enough money to move to a new place.

Me fast asleep, I wonder what I was dreaming about?

Playing peek-a-boo.

Looking gangster with my bunny and my first teddy bear.

Having fun in my cot with the cranes as my mobile.

1 comment:

Esther said...

hehe cute i like your peekaboo picture :)