Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I think I've probably finally come back down to earth and come to terms with what is going on in my life.  I am bipolar so that means my general personality and moods tend to follow a certain pattern.  Easy example, I tend to keep things to myself and not share as much.  I am sharing now.  I've calmed down and realized that my episode stole away my time with my girlfriend and also made many people worried about me.  I am in good hands, I feel that with prayer, caregroup and church and my faith in Christ my improvement has been much faster.  I am always thankful for finding a good doctor too and I am thankful that God is working so amazingly through him.

I've also come to terms with my break up with my girlfriend, Esther.  I don't regret asking you out, because I would have missed out on the experiences I had with you.  I hope I can be a good friend for you, despite being bipolar, although I'm sure you can make many more friends in Taiwan.  I miss you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Graffiti Journey

All thanks to this site: http://www.legal-walls.net/walls/627

Found this nice little spot:

American football vs. British/International football

From Graffiti Jouney

Walking to our destination

From Graffiti Jouney



I want to do 'brain' something like those guys ^

Homeless people...

He has a stove

Streetpoint view of the alley

Brain '10b

brain '10

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Someone beat me to my idea!


Actually...still none for HK...so I can start a website maybe!

Monday, June 21, 2010


I love the word brainstorm.
For me when I brainstorm my brain literally becomes a manic centre in my head.
My thoughts from all corners are connected by electricity and the flashes of electricity contribute to the literal storm.  When I brainstorm I try to conjure my manic energies and use them for a good purpose; to come up with new ideas that might help myself or others.

My Blog's Metaphorical Death and Rebirth

My girlfriend and I ended our relationship sometime last week. We're still good friends but the timing was right. This frees up many things but one of those things is this blog.  It has been stagnant and stale.  I have failed to provide an interesting and artistic log of my life through this blog.  Therefore, as with my relationship, my blog has died.  But it has risen again, like the new friendship with my ex (I hope she sees it the same way).  I am now able to write about anything since my audience has widened greatly.  Hopefully my blog can be seen by many eyes and inspire others artistically.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lots of photos. No title. I guess when I'm in a better emotional state I can give a better reflection on events of late.